Wednesday, October 14, 2009


This is for real.

I'm thinking they should probably take all the "heretical" bibles that they're planning on burning and give them to pastors who are dying in China and North Korea. They probably won't care that they weren't written by people that lived about 500 years ago that liked to add "th" to the end of every word.

I try to stay somewhat quiet about topics like that because there are several people that I love and care about that have similar views- not this elevated, however. I know that i'll probably be ruffling some of those feathers, but it's just wrong to stay silent. This is just over the top. And the crazy thing is these aren't the only people like this out there. I just don't even understand how your brain can work this way.

They believe that the only Bible that you can read and get saved from if you speak English is the King James. What about people from other countries? Does Jesus have different rules on how people get saved depending on what language you speak. I respect the translation for what it is...very well translated, very poetic, and beautiful. But it ends there.

And the funny thing to me is that in their doctrinal statement they have the KJV only segment before than any other thing. It's listed about "We Believe Jesus Is God."

I'll end my tirade there for now.

And begin another one...
I mentioned it yesterday, but 140 characters just doesn't cut it.

I see all types of "religious" people all week long at my job. I've been humbled and awed by some incredible people who I had completely misjudged in my brain before I had even talked to them. And then there are the ones who I would love to hit in the face repeatedly. I had a husband and wife come in yesterday and something about them struck me as odd right away so I was keeping track of them as they shopped. Pretty soon I noticed that the lady was walking with her head down behind her husband carrying everything for him, and he was visibly agitated. He started muttering to her under his breath, escalated to talking to her harshly, and eventually swore at her and called her some stuff i'll spare people. If I hadn't been alone in the store I would have intervened at that point. And the kicker: when they checked out, he handed me a Pastor's discount card. Absolutely shell-shocked.

What do you say at that point?
Do you say anything?
Or do you just glare.
I ended up just glaring because I know my mouth tends to get away from me,
and I was representing my store.
But if I wasn't...
I probably would've gotten punched by a Pastor.

But here's the thing:
If he's like that in public, what's he like in private?
And even worse than that- what in the world does he preach?
Is he planning a book burning with the hicks down in NC?

All of that makes me so very happy for a church with a Pastor that is relevant,
loves the Lord, and his family.
And it makes me even happier for a husband that does as well.
Those are my two happy thoughts mangled in with some frustrated ones. :)

1 comment:

  1. The video clip is completely unbelievable! It's really hard to believe that people really, truly believe stuff like that. wow.
