Sunday, September 20, 2009

As of this week I am an Auntie seven times over!
Harmony Grace Trop decided to come into this world a little early- to everyone's delight!
I'm flying home in about a month to see her.
It's great having nieces and nephews because I can spoil them rotten when I'm home and still go back to a quiet house with just me and my hubby!
Maybe someday that will change- but for now we're completely content to hang out with just our kitties.

Speaking of Hubby's: Mine is killing people in Halo 3 while I'm drinking my Yerba Matte and reading Ray Bradbury. I really do love how opposites attract. We have definitely learned a lot together. I'm teaching him how to cook, and he's teaching me all about cars. Somedays I really do hate cars...there. I said it.

This month of work is absolutely insane.
We have a remodel at the end of the month- plus we are still short one pretty much full time inventory person, so I've been running double-duty. At least it makes the day go by super fast.

Jess and I are seriously contemplating moving home to NY in the Spring...nothing is set in stone yet. Just a lot of thoughts and preplanning in case we decide it's something we want to pursue. It daunting and exciting at the same time. I love NY for the seasons, the people, the arts, pretty much everything, but it definitely is a change from what i've grown used to out here. An adventure is definitely needed. We've gotten into such a rut. Not that it's's just boring.
It definitey would be nice to set out and do something new while we don't have anything holding us down.

As for now- i'm pretty sure that's all that is new.
I read Donald Miller's new book: review will be coming soon.
It probably will contain at least one religious rant.
Consider yourself warned :)

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Stockholm and other thoughts.

I bought Stockholm syndrome by Derek Webb....absolutely fantastic.
Probably not for the faint of heart.
I'll say that to cover myself.
For me it was definitely eye opening.
It's incredible to hear my thoughts put down into song by someone else.
It's an instant feeling of community.
Controversial community- but community nonetheless.

"We can talk and debate it till we're blue in the face
About the language and tradition that He's coming to save
Meanwhile we sit just like we don't give a sh*t
About fifty-thousand people who are dying today

Tell me, brother, what matters more to you?
Tell me, sister, what matters more to you?"

Perhaps too blunt.
But honest.
I've begun to crave honesty.
Not necessarily censored.
It's not easy to hear.
And it's definitely not easy to say.

If most Christians voiced their concerns, thoughts, doubts, failures I think Christianity would be revolutionized. It's not that onlookers care if Christians sin and fail- it's the fact that we cover it up and pretend like we don't. People screw up. We're depraved. But we're depraved with a possibility of forgiveness. I think that's fantastic.

On a completely different note- Jess has another drill this weekend.
So i'm here wide awake at midnight.
The usual for when he's gone.
My brain just seems to snap into a weird gear when he's gone.
Maybe it's just because I have time to think.
Being alone once in a while really is good.
Not to mention I'm getting a head start on Christmas shopping. :)
Plus I'll have some quality time with Gong Fu and the new Donald Miller book.

I've been somewhat cryptic lately about some things coming up and i'll continue to be for a while, but Jess and I have decisions to make in the next couple months and prayer is definitely appreciated. Decisions are definitely hard for us to make because we get stuck so much in the rut of just day to day life, and I am definitely a creature of habit. At any rate- just keep us in your prayers.

I should probably attempt sleep so I'm not too dependent on caffeine for my mood tomorrow! :)

Saturday, September 5, 2009


I've resolved that it's unhealthy to only blog explosively.
Too bad the rest of my life is boring when i'm not fired up about something! :)

But here's my attempt at a boring blog post:

On the work front it's starting to look like Christmas.
I've already been putting up fixtures for Christmas cards and getting the first boxes out.
Sometimes I really do feel like I market Jesus.
It's a daily struggle for me.
I've been trying so hard to focus just on the ministry aspects that I have with the company.

On the home front we're non-existent.
Jess is finishing up school this semester and has two jobs, and I have one full-time job and my job selling Premier. It's all going great. Just a little overwhelming when it comes to trying to find time to see my husband! We did manage a fun getaway to Chicago for our one-year. I can't believe it's been a year already! It honestly doesn't seem possible that it's been that long already.

On the church front we've been getting more involved- which is great.
I really do love our church.
It's kind of an oasis for me.
I deal with "Spiritual debate" all week at work- it's nice to come some place and just worship.

(One rant allowed tonight)
I witnessed sad reality today..
We went on a "homeless walk" today with Hope Ministries and it was legitimately conflicting.
If you've ever talked to me about this specific issue- I can be pretty hard hearted.
For me it's just so hard to imagine.
Not that i'm not blessed beyond measure, but because I tend to work my butt off.
I'm desperately conflicted when it comes to that type of ministry.
It's tough to find the balance for me.
I've never been held captive by the things these people are.
I don't understand that.
It's a complete mystery to me.
The logical side of me doesn't understand why they don't get a job and improve their life.
But the sympathetic-Jesus side of me understands that they're held captive by something that cripples their life- and until they're recovered through Christ there is no other reality.
Does that make sense?
It sounds like an enigma.

Jess and I are trying to make some pretty big decisions for the upcoming months.
Prayer is much much much appreciated.
Love to all!