Saturday, October 10, 2009

Confusion Of Seasons.

Yesterday it was fall-today it was winter.
Tomorrow it'll be back to fall.
I do have to say- it was a beautiful day.
My kitten and I pranced around like idiots in the snow this morning before I went to work.
We must have looked ridiculous, but we completely had fun.
The only down fall to this weather is for some strange reason, our heat isn't working.
So right now we're under blankets with very red noses waiting for the heating guy.
Shoot up a prayer for us that we have heat soon!!

I just posted a recipe for a super yummy coffee cake.
People have been asking for my recipes so I'll post them when I actually use a recipe.
I'm notorious for throwing things in a pan and hoping they turn out well.
Most of the time they do, but I have had some hysterical disasters.
Like the time I misread my chicken scratch and threw in a cup of oil instead of a tbsp. into a cake.
I still have never got that cake pan completely ungreased.
It's definitely seasoned forever! :)
But to me cooking is therapeutic.

Does God give the gift of culinary?
I sure hope that was one of the unmentioned gifts of the spirit.

My Hubby bought we super cute daisies on Thursday.
It's amazing how one vase full of flowers brighten up my whole house!

I've been praying lately that God would make us part of the bigger picture.
Or help us to realize our part.
We can donate to awesome organizations and support children in third-world countries, but how many times do we really put ourselves into that picture? 
To see ourselves as more than just a drop in the ocean of solving injustice.
I want to do more.
I just don't know what yet.
Instead of being involved a tiny bit in so many different things i'm praying to find that one thing that i'm passionate about the most and just sell out to that.
It's a difficult soul search for me.
Because I'm scared of the answer and where that might lead.
It's a good fear though.
Pray with me, ok?
I don't think there's anyone that would say they don't want to be a part of something bigger.
I'm just slightly overwhelmed by it all right now.
But it's a worthwhile search.
To be an advocate for someone who doesn't have a voice.
Just as Jesus is for us before His Father.

Those are my random thoughts for this cold cold weekend.


1 comment:

  1. I'll be praying for you Sarah. It's tough search to be on, but I admire your willingness and passion to do it. Most people don't search, they just accept. I'm not sure which I am. I guess it depends on the day.
