Sunday, September 20, 2009

As of this week I am an Auntie seven times over!
Harmony Grace Trop decided to come into this world a little early- to everyone's delight!
I'm flying home in about a month to see her.
It's great having nieces and nephews because I can spoil them rotten when I'm home and still go back to a quiet house with just me and my hubby!
Maybe someday that will change- but for now we're completely content to hang out with just our kitties.

Speaking of Hubby's: Mine is killing people in Halo 3 while I'm drinking my Yerba Matte and reading Ray Bradbury. I really do love how opposites attract. We have definitely learned a lot together. I'm teaching him how to cook, and he's teaching me all about cars. Somedays I really do hate cars...there. I said it.

This month of work is absolutely insane.
We have a remodel at the end of the month- plus we are still short one pretty much full time inventory person, so I've been running double-duty. At least it makes the day go by super fast.

Jess and I are seriously contemplating moving home to NY in the Spring...nothing is set in stone yet. Just a lot of thoughts and preplanning in case we decide it's something we want to pursue. It daunting and exciting at the same time. I love NY for the seasons, the people, the arts, pretty much everything, but it definitely is a change from what i've grown used to out here. An adventure is definitely needed. We've gotten into such a rut. Not that it's's just boring.
It definitey would be nice to set out and do something new while we don't have anything holding us down.

As for now- i'm pretty sure that's all that is new.
I read Donald Miller's new book: review will be coming soon.
It probably will contain at least one religious rant.
Consider yourself warned :)

1 comment:

  1. Mine's off killing people in Halo too. And I'm at home watching Gilmore Girls, gotta love the contrast. So NY, huh? That will certainly be more exciting than Iowa.
